What is simple living life ?
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By simpletome | 11 November 2021 | 0 Comments

What is simple living life ?

Simple living encompasses a number of different voluntary practices to simplify one's lifestyle. These may include, for example, reducing one's possessions, generally referred to as minimalism, or increasing self-sufficiency. Simple living may be characterized by individuals being satisfied with what they have rather than want.Although asceticism generally promotes living simply and refraining from luxury and indulgence, not all proponents of simple living are ascetics.Simple living is distinct from those living in forced poverty, as it is a voluntary lifestyle choice.

Adherents may choose simple living for a variety of personal reasons, such as spirituality, health, increase in quality time for family and friends, work–life balance, personal taste, financial sustainability, increase in philanthropy, frugality, environmental sustainability,or reducing stress. Simple living can also be a reaction to materialism and conspicuous consumption. Some cite sociopolitical goals aligned with the environmentalist, anti-consumerist or anti-war movements, including conservation, degrowth, deep ecology, and tax resistance (anti-war).


So what exactly is simple living ?

It’s not a strict lifestyle that everyone follows in the same way.
While some may life off-grid and grow their own vegetables, others may just aim for a less cluttered garage.
Simple living is all about finding the beauty in less and putting quality over quantity. It’s about valuing things that make us happy instead of chasing status symbols or societal expectations.
It’s a lifestyle that often includes cutting back and streamlining your possession and living a simpler and more intentional life. A life driven by what’s most important to you – not by possessions or status.


The importance of a simple life – and some benefits

A simpler, less cluttered and hectic life has immeasurable benefits to your health. Living with less stress and eating simply means lower blood pressure, better sleep and less chance of a heart attack or anxiety.
When you eliminate busywork from your calendar, your work-life balance is improved and you get more quality time with valued friends and family. Your relationships improve when you prioritize the important people in your life.
Simple living can also mean increased financial independence. There’s no more pressure to buy the latest gadgets or keep up with the neighbours, and no more retail therapy as a mood booster.
Simple living is also more sustainable and environmentally friendly when you consume less meat, go zero waste or become more mindful of where your clothes are made.


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